Sis, You Are Called by God!

Today, I want to remind you of something incredibly important: You are called by God. I know it’s easy to focus on the challenges you may be facing, whether it’s a dwindling bank account or dreams that still feel out of reach. But no matter where you are right now, I want you to hear this loud and clear: You, Sis, are called by God!
In the Bible, we learn that God's calling begins with an invitation to salvation. God extends His love and grace to each of us, and it’s up to us to accept that invitation.

The Greek word for "call" is Klesis, which means a divine invitation—a call to encounter God in a personal and profound way. That’s exactly what God’s call is: a journey that is full of divine help, blessings, friendship, wisdom, healing, and sustenance.
Throughout Scripture, we see countless examples of people called by God. Jeremiah received his calling, Esther was chosen “for such a time as this,” and Isaiah was also called by God. These examples show us that no matter how many times we’ve stumbled or how messy our past may be, God is still calling us today.
My purpose in sharing this is not to convince you that you are called, but to simply remind you that you are called. It doesn’t matter what shame, loss, pain, or guilt you may carry—there is nothing too deep or too dirty for God to redeem.
When God calls, He calls you by name. He is calling you into a personal and divine encounter with Himself.
Weekly Scripture
“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Matthew 22:14
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