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Thank You Lord!

Thank you, Jesus… I haven’t said thank you in a while. I haven’t said thank you for my health although it could be better. I have said thank you for this season. I haven’t thanked you lately. I’ve gotten caught up with all the negative areas of my life and the areas I fall short that gratitude and humbleness were the last things on my mind. I would be quick to shout "God where are you I am drowning here" instead of praising you and thanking you for the testing of my faith.

I know the scriptures that says count it not strange when test and trials come it will reveal your faith. I know I am supposed to be happy in the midst of adversity. However, God I got bitter, I got angry. I got my feelings hurt. Daily I wondered "why me"? I didn’t praise you during the failure, I sat and cried. Eventually, my tears became dry and my heart got cold. Lord, my heart became like stone and I didn’t know how to reverse it. I knew my God was with me,but why did this have to happen to me? I tried to live by the good book. I didn’t cheat on exams. I didn’t party nor hang with the ungodly.

I tried. I fought. I failed and I was almost defeated until one day. I finally understood, I wasn’t thanking you for what I did have. I didn’t thank you for all the beautiful blessings all around me. I didn’t say thank you for my mother’s face and beautiful smile. I didn’t thank you for the sun shinning through my bedroom window every morning. I didn’t thank you for the dream you continued to give me daily. I didn’t thank you for the car that got me to new places. I didn’t thank you for the daily ideas to create new teachings. I didn’t thank you and you still stood by me. I can only imagine how frustrated I would get to openly help someone daily and never get a thank you or just a smile. Thankfully God is not like me and HE has an unconditional love and compassion for all.

I see how when I finally broke out in praise of true thankfulness God broke chains. As I began to shout to God thanks, I felt a strong weight on my back and I continued to cry and praise and the weight left. I felt a peace even when the tears were running down my face. I knew something had shifted. Whatever, bitter hurt I had been living within I finally had the freedom to get up and get away.

I knew my freedom from the trials and tribulation wasn’t about how many times I could overlook it and keep busy, but how honest and pure I could praise God with my whole heart even through the darkest hours.

The season doesn’t have to change for you to change the way you view your season.

Examine your life today and Thank God for the things you have and the things he continues to do.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. (1 Peter 4:12-13)

- The Awakened Daughter

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