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Reconnecting with God

Yes, life is hard. But with God, we find the hope we need.

Life is hard. The journey of healing, confronting yourself, and letting go of the past can make it feel even harder. Between depression, discouragement, anxiety, and the daily challenges of life, I’ve had to claw my way back to being intentional with my time with God. But that time has sparked a new desire, a deeper hunger to know Him better and more intimately. Honestly, I don’t know how other people do it, because I’d be lost without God.

Because we are human beings there will come a point in time that our relationship with God shifts

through the seasons. As we get older, we experience life’s ups and downs. We ask more questions, our understanding of God's Word evolves, we may even become more critical of our faith, and we often find more reasons to praise Him for the little details. These are all part of being human. But one thing remains true:

God is with us through it all.

When you feel your relationship with God is a bit distant or not what it used to be, what do you do? Life will twist and turn, and your relationship with God may too, but don’t forget what He has done for you. We can know this in our hearts but the question remains: How do you get that spark back?

Recommit to spending time with Him. Allow that spark in your relationship to reignite with true intimate time spent. Just like with a significant other, when there’s no communication or quality time together, the fire can fade. No matter how busy you become, be intentional with having time with your Heavenly Father. 

Testify to remind yourself of His faithfulness. Your situation may not be the perfect picture you imagined, but it’s not what it used to be. Even when discouragement whispers about how far you still want to go, you tell discouragement how far your God has already brought you. 

Study God to know who He is and who He has shown Himself to be. When you understand God’s character, you develop a better appreciation of having a relationship with Him.

Yes, life is hard. But with God, we find the hope we need. Don’t let life determine your relationship with God. Commit to your relationship with Him and allow your relationship to grow stronger through all you experience.

Weekly Scripture

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:12-13

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1 Comment

Calandra Williams
Calandra Williams
Oct 14, 2024

In the shift of making a decision to reconnect with God, we first have to take some steps before we reconnect. We must humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). I love the practical steps in this article. May we all continue to study the Bible to know more about God and stay connected.

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