“Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is rest”

One random day while sitting in New Testament Biblical Literature class, the professor said, “Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is rest”. Honestly, I had never heard this before. I come from being a single woman knowing I had to work hard, stay up all night, and grind. I would pull 12-hour days easily, working on my ministry. I would spend weekends and Sundays and never give myself a day off. I always wondered why I felt so burned out. I would pray, but I never just rested.

I realized that resting is practicing faith. When I couldn’t rest, it usually stemmed from a fear of missing out, not reaching goals, or even just me being so accustomed to working that now rest felt odd. I share all this with you because that professor helped change how I look at rest. It’s not lazy. It's sometimes the most spiritual thing I can do.
On some of my busiest days in the ministry, I will do all I can, then put my phone on “do not disturb” mode, shut down the laptop, and dive into my personal life. Not the Ministry founder, not the YouTuber, just His Daughter.
Before you can Glow-Up, you must truly take time to rest. Rest your body, relax your mind, and rest your fears. I know you want to hustle, control, and figure everything out, but some things require rest. Sometimes, you are called to sit back and Watch God Be God. That is real faith when you let go and deliver it over to Him. He can do far better than we could ever plan.
So, sis, it’s okay to rest and Let God Be God!
Weekly Scripture
Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10
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