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It’s Time to Break Up

We have to be ok with what is around us being disturbed because the disruption is the foundation to our growth

Breaking up sometimes has a negative connotation. We think of something ending such as a relationship or something being destroyed like a fragile item. But what if breaking up isn’t bad at all but necessary?

When planting a seed one must disturb the soil or break it up in order to place the seed underneath the surface. If this step is skipped it can greatly impact what grows and even if it will grow. The seed must go beneath the top layer of the solid to not be destroyed by the elements that occur at the surface level. Being covered or buried is a form of protection for the seed. 

We have to be ok with what is around us being disturbed because the disruption is the foundation of our growth. Maybe you have an idea that will change your life for the better but you’re scared to act on it. God may be telling you to change your career and it will disrupt your status or lifestyle but He knows what can bloom if you move. 

So take this season to break up what has been keeping you stagnant. If it's fear break up with it. If its inadequacy break up with it. Whatever is holding you back from obeying God, break up with it so you can cultivate what God is doing in your life. 

                 Weekly Scripture

Prepare the soil in your heart and plant seeds of righteousness so that you can produce a vast harvest of fruit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23

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