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True peace and healing inside is finding joy. Joy, many live without because their day to day life harbours their thoughts and emotions, but we as Women of God have an open door to joy. We must be willing to capture it. How do you capture joy one may ask? You don’t let joy find you.. You find it...

You make beautiful moments daily and find peace and serenity in your spirit. Joy makes you leap and brings an overwhelming emotion of gratefulness. Joy is reflected when you are able to look at who you are today and see how the mighty gracious saving hand of God has been on you. Joy has spurred up in my life when I've seen growth in myself and others. Joy awakens our spirit to see all God has done and is doing in our lives right now.

Are you lacking in Joy? Well maybe you should sit for a while and just look at your life today. Although, we all have our trials and tribulation we can still find joy in the most difficult times. A girl who lost a loved one can find joy in the memories and remembering their personality. Joy is open to all of us and it makes its biggest impact on us and others when we choose to walk in it daily.

The verse “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise will continue to be in my mouth” (Psalms 34:1) is how we operate when we walk in joy. Joy allows our eyes to open to the goodness of God.

Joy resides in our hearts, but lifes daily battles can camflouage all the beauty that lays around. It is up to us to make serene moments to find the beauty daily and if you can't find it, then MAKE IT!

- The Awakened Daughter

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