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Apply Pressure

Whatever you have access to, apply pressure and use it better for the glory of God.  

Every season requires something different from us. Some seasons we have all the resources we need and others we are waiting to receive what we need. In this season begin to look around at what you’ve been blessed with already. The gifts and resources may have accumulated over time and now it's time to take inventory and get to work. 

Have you ever prayed for something but God doesn’t give you the finished project he gives you the deconstructed blessing? I’ve prayed for financial freedom and thought the blessing would be a new job. Instead God has given me a business idea. This sometimes is interpreted as an unanswered prayer but really it gives one a unique experience to be interactive in the blessing God gives you.


Prayer journaling is a way to keep track of what you’ve prayed for and what you’ve been blessed to receive. Take time in this season to use all you’ve been given. Have you been through an experience that can inspire or encourage someone? Use your voice. Maybe you are sitting on a ministry or business that can reach people all over the world, let God use you. Whatever you have access to, apply pressure and use it better for the glory of God.

  Weekly Scripture

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms

1 peter 4:10-11

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