I began to realize that NOW I AM READY!
A saying I had been hearing for the past year from my mother finally took root. I was the girl who felt unworthy or not enough all her life, and then one day, something shifted and now she sees the beauty within herself.
She sees the potential that lies deep within her and she sees the favor that is all around her.
Well, I am that girl. A girl who never felt quite ready. Not ready for ministry, not ready for college, not ready for a relationship, not ready for love, and not ready for my dreams. All I’ve ever known was to be not ready! That word resonated so deeply within my soul that I knew I finally believed it.
As I drove home from my not-so-fulfilling job, I cried tears of hurt because I kept telling myself, YOU ARE READY! Something I had never said about myself or even believed. Now, at this moment there were many things I was referring to, and not just faith-related. I was ready for all that God had in store for me.
I was ready to be the woman of worth, I was ready to walk in my full worth. I was ready to believe and dream. I was ready to love. I was finally ready to be all that I was called to be!
Now, you may be looking at your life and feeling unprepared, not ready, unsteady, and not too sure, but I want to tell you... you are ready! More ready than you give yourself credit for your life changes and shifts when you decide to embrace that YOU ARE READY for your breakthrough. You are ready for your new beginning. You are ready for peace. And You Are Ready for Your New Beginning!
God is saying “don’t forget, you are ready”. God is and will always be with you!
So, when an amazing idea comes to mind or you need to have faith for a big move and/or purchase, just say I’m Ready! That is your faith being awakened to endless possibilities in God!
Weekly Scripture
"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
Proverbs 31:31
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