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Ever try to look for socks in a dark room? Or better yet, find your way around your home in the dark as you get ready for your work day? I noticed that I will struggle for minutes doing my best to prepare only to realize, it's just easier to walk into the light. I will then see even BETTER to acquire what it is I need. The best way is to step into the light. Honestly, I get so much more done being able to be in the light. It’s so important to bring things into the light in order for there to be a change in how well you can achieve anything.

It was only middle school. I was a 6th grader and I got ready in the dark.

When I got to school, I realized I had two different colors of socks on. One was hunter green and the other a bright rosy pink.

I would then just do my best to go through the day with mismatched socks in my tennis shoes.

Years later, as a grown adult, I find myself still making that almost mistake again. Attempting to find clothes AND dress all in the dark! Now, we all know this method can work to an extent. BUT, how much better, easier, and sweeter to walk into the light?

In the same way, how much better to bring our problems, cares, and concerns to the source that can help solve them, to bring them all into the light of who He is? Walking in the light of Jesus is allowing His spirit to guide you.

I think it's pretty great. No longer will you have to strain your eyes to see through an environment that was never meant for you to find the solution to your problems.

Just in our search for clothing our bodies daily, we must find a deeper and closer walk with the source of our strength, joy, peace, and rest. It’s found in Jesus. After all, as the song “Total Praise” by Richard Smallwood mentions, “You are the source of my strength, You are the strength of my life!” When we point our focus on the one who cares so intentionally about you, His light of love and help will be guiding you! We truly see Jesus, when we choose to walk in HIS light!

This fashion mishap taught me the lessons constantly of how we are to walk into the light:

  1. Walk into His words! Read your bible for at least 10 minutes daily.

  2. Walk into Christian community! Whether it's a youth group, young adults, or women’s Bible study. Be in constant communication with other like-minded and growing believers.

  3. Walk into God’s presence through prayer, fasting, journaling, worshiping with music, etc. Find your way of expression to get into the presence of God.

  4. Walk into environments that are HELPFUL to your growth and nourishment as a child of God. Instead of the raving club, now you desire your church on a regular basis.

Weekly Scripture

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7

Get Connected

This Blog was written by Marlene Michel, HDC Blog Team

Feel free to follow Marlene on Instagram at @marlene__michel

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