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The Power of Rest Week 2

Selah can also be referred to as rest. When we pause in our everyday life we are putting our body to rest; but many times we never rest our mind. 

Our mind will run like an ongoing cd disc, never stopping, and replaying old scenes and songs from previous seasons. Our mind will replay our fears and doubts, and it will continue to do so until we put it to rest. 

Many times our walks with God are depleting, not because of our devotional time, but because of our mindset. We allow thoughts to play so long that they become unforgiveness, resentment, and unbelief. Where the mind goes the body soon follows, so we must be willing to put our mind to rest. 

Have you ever felt God couldn’t love you or even that you were too unworthy to come to God?

Maybe you felt like you’d been away for so long, so why come back now? 

Well, these thoughts can hold us back from embracing the up-close and personal relationship God wants to have with us.

When we put our mind to rest from all the negative talk, we put ourselves in a place of peace, a place of freedom, and mostly a place that God can now rest in.

I don’t know how many times my past has come up in my mind and tried to tell me all the wrong I’ve done. My past has attempted to cripple me, but the power is when we decide to fight the thoughts that keep us bound.

Bound to fear, unworthiness, self-doubt, self-hate, and much more. The more we decide to rest our minds, the more room we have for God to instill in us His amazing peace and insight.


“Salvation belongs to the LORD; your blessing be on your people! Selah” Psalms 3:8


Dear Lord, help me control my mind today and to mostly give it over to you. All the thoughts that run through my mind on a daily basis are now yours. Continue to give me the awareness when to put certain thoughts to rest and, when they arise again, give me the patience to put it back down. In your strength I know I can overcome these thoughts of fear, doubt, insecurities, and trauma. I know you need my mind to get in alignment with you. So Lord, please take over my mind and allow it to be Christ-centered and in the right standing with you.

Put my mind at rest and allow your peace and insight to flow in.


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