Don't forget about The One. We know in the Bible God rejoices over the one. Unlike us, if we have twenty dollars and lose one we wouldn't stress too much, but God says to go back and seek that one out, find it and rejoice once you do.

Many days with growing numbers I forgot about The One. I looked at the total numbers instead of seeing each number as an individual that loves, lives, breaths, cries, and hopes. When I began to lose focus of The One then I lost focus of the mission. The mission isn't to reach the masses, but to reach and minister to The One. No matter the number on the screen or the number of people that attend the church service we must rejoice over The One.
Loving The One will require you to go back for them. Seeking them out, praying for them and loving them. When one comes back to God the whole heavens rejoice. There may be family or friends in your life that is The One.
You know The One that got away from God. The One that is lost. The One that needs help. Acknowledging The One you can begin praying for them and when the time is right God will call them back in.

You may be The One.
The lost one.
The one that got Led away.
The hurt one.
The afraid one.
The insecure one.
The broken one.
No, matter which one you are God is focused on you. He will not leave you stuck or lost, He is a healer, protector, and provider. He will help you in all your endeavors.
If you are lost God will come looking for you.
If you are stuck God will come guide you.
If you are broken God will come restore you.
If you are hurt God will come heal you.
If you are afraid God will come empower you.
God will come back for The One everytime seeking and rejoicing.
Today, look at your life and always remember at one time you was The One and He came looking for you! Now, we must do that for others.
- Morgan Tracy J.
Excerpt From "Choose Her"
Choose Her was written for The One.
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