Recently I took a much needed break and booked a flight to Florida, however, I realized that it rained a lot throughout my entire trip. These random, isolated showers happened all day, and many didn't last long.
Being from a small town in Oklahoma, many times if it rains, it usually will be rainy and cloudy all day and many of us limit our plans and gatherings. I saw at Disney World and Aquatica that the rain didn’t stop anybody. The rain made people readjust, and it made people take a few moments of cover, but it truly never stopped the show.
I wonder how many times I've let a few isolated showers stop me from living my best life. I let one comment bring me down. I let one negative look change my mood. I let one setback make me lie on the couch in a defeated state.
As we grow more in God, we must become mature enough to be caught in the showers of life, but still keep moving forward with our plans.
The rain of heartbreak, or failure, can really cause many to stop on their journey, when the shower was only meant to last for a moment.

I share this with you because I have allowed a bad moment to turn into a bad mood and into an entire bad day. I’ve allowed myself to shut down from life and not truly realize the storm wasn’t meant to break me, but it was meant to make me.
Please realize the storm in your life and all the opposition you are facing, is really an opportunity to come out better.
So be like the Floridans that didn’t run from the storm, didn’t stop in the storm, didn’t cancel plans because of the storm, didn't complain about the storm, but believed that this too shall pass, and continued on with their day.
The storms in your life right now is really an opportunity to go further than you’ve ever gone before.
Weekly Scripture
"He got up and rebuked the wind and said the storm "Peace Be Still" then the
wind died down and it was completely calm"
Mark 4:39

Thanks Morgan for sharing, this is so true-dancing in the rain, its something I've learnt to do more as I'm getting older. I was really bad at it in my younger years, I would shut down completely. Thank God for His renewal and His Angels for carrying us like they did many such as Elijah.