When we go through rough seasons we need a renown moment. We need to remember the sparkle we had in our eye from that precious season. Before the stress and setbacks. We need to remember the fire and faith that got us up every morning or even when we loved doing what we do! Maybe we have allowed life to get the best of us. Maybe we’ve been knocked down far too many times and now we are struggling to find our footing again. Maybe we are all just trying to figure this thing out. No matter what happens we must always remember to see the beauty in our lives. Even if we think there is none. If we shift our focus we will see that God has us in the right place to do His Will.
No matter the difficulties there is still beauty!
Maybe it’s in your quiet time of journaling, or talking with a family member! No matter the season of life we all have beauty in it, we must decide to see it. "The pure in heart shall see God" the Word says. As we acknowledge all the beauty in our lives today we will experience more of it.

God requires us to love the little things, the lost things, the hard things, and we will be set free. I challenge you to sit and write down all that is beautiful in your life today. Our life problems don’t have to be as big as we make them out to be. However, our life's beauties can become greater and greater.
We must decide to see more beauty in our lives than our setbacks!
Many times I wondered how to see beauty when all I saw was a failure, lack, and depression. Even wondering how could I find beauty in a season like that, but I realized all I had to do was look around!
I was still standing, I was still here, I was still hungry for God and my dreams, I was still alive, and I was still Me! That's where I found Beauty Again!
That no matter all the ashes of my past, I was still making it and I was still getting stronger and I knew in my heart, that my BEST DAYS WERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!
I want to encourage you to Embrace the Beauty of God that is all Around You and Believe that Better Days are Coming!
See Beauty in Your Life Again!
“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world."
Matthew 5:8

Thank you so much Morgan this really helped . And girlllll the prayer journaling really works.
My dear Morgan your Christianity really speaks volume in my life; you such an inspiration. You have taught me so many things as a born again older sister...am inspired.
Great article Morgan Tracy J! It has truly been one of “those” seasons. Thanks so much for the reminder to see the beauty in every thing Love:)