Looking around my dirty apartment, I see my work bags on the floor, purses on the counter, and makeup. All these unorganized things reflect my life as of lately. The holiday season is busy, from family gatherings to Christmas programs, shopping, and more. All I know is that I am exhausted and my daily routine is reflecting it. My mornings are getting away from me, as they say. I get up just in the nick of time to get ready for work and head out the door. Maybe it’s my late night of editing or the current weight of life, but in all of that I believe that I can make the best of what I have, and if I have Jesus, I have quite a lot.
So, I choose to rise with purpose even when my life gets crazy and I feel like I can’t find my footing. Rising with purpose helps me get back on track for my life.
First, Rise with Gratitude: For the past year, thanking the Lord every morning has been my mantra. Just thankful to still be here to love on my family, work in the ministry, walk my dog, go on dates, etc. Gratitude is an important step to rising with purpose.
Second, Time with God: Now, you can honestly get time with God in the shower, drinking your morning coffee on the porch, or however you see fit, but I do believe that when I have mornings where I fill my cup up with faith and direction, my days go smoother. So, use your mornings for personal time with God. This is a great time to pray for others, and yourself, and just commune with the Lord.
Third, Move Your Body: This could be a walk, a few lunges, jogging in place, or, like me, jumping on a treadmill. Even if you do only 15 minutes, moving your body has so many benefits for your overall health and mood. During one season I would play my favorite music and just dance around my apartment. No matter how you decide to move your body, you will still reap the benefits of it.
Rising with Purpose isn’t just a quick scheme to make you feel productive, it's embracing the day that the Lord has given you. It’s taking your time as you drink your morning coffee to bask in the goodness of your life.
Today, embrace the joy that comes in the morning.
Weekly Scripture
“For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”
Psalm 30:5
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