Being a single woman and living alone definitely has it's downfalls, but one thing I do love is praying in the spirit. See, I am cherishing this season of life where I can stay up late and pray. Or where I can rise early blasting worship music and praying aloud. Or when I can sing aloud to God and-not worry about others hearing me or what they will think.
All these times I've spent alone has blessed me to learn how to pray in the spirit.
So many times, I truly thought, just talking to God was enough, better yet, I believed prayer journaling was plenty if I added a few scriptures. However, as I grew in the Lord He began requiring more. I knew by my convictions, and His prompting to read more, study a particular story, or to learn more about a particular subject, etc.
Now the only issue with prayer I truly had was always talking and never listening, I'd cry my eyes out in prayer to God, I'd pour out my whole heart to God, then get up and go-on with my day, wondering why He didn't speak back.
Until I realized God spoke to me at night. When I was either almost asleep, or just laying in bed. This was when I was still, relaxed, and quiet.

I learned that the Holy Spirit doesn't talk over you, and doesn't force His way in. We first must let go of ourselves, our views, our needs, our fears, our doubts and our questions and center our focus on God, then we are opened up to receive his outpouring.
The word tells us His Sheep knows His voice and I'm still learning it. It's subtle it's faint, it's profound, and it's powerful. When God speaks things have to change! He is the Living Word. So, dreams, sounds, images, or revelations that are from God is Him speaking to us.
For example, at 21 years old while living in sin and running from God, I had a dream about being on a stage speaking to a room full of people. That dream wrecked me, scared me and imprinted itself in my mind so strongly, that even to this day, I can see it clearly. Now look, all I am today and have created, came from one Prophetic dream from God.
Please know our words are strong, but His words are Life-Changing.
Today, in prayer I challenge you to seek
His word and not your own,
His views and not your thoughts,
His heart and not your heart,
His hurts and not your hurts,
His desires and not your wants,
His needs and not your needs,
His love and not your lack,
His face and not your ego,
His joy and not your frustration,
His peace and not your doubt,
and His freedom and not your fears.
Remember, Gods word can bring dead situations to life, Gods word can create a man out of dirt, Gods word can heal the broken, Gods word can rejuvenate lives. Gods word can feed the 5,000. Gods word can restore bodies. Gods word can change generations and most of all, one word from God can change our lives.
Seek His Word and not your own today.
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11