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God Won’t Cancel Me

 No matter what you face, remember God has grace.

Have you ever been on a shopping spree using your debit card and you are just spending and swiping then you receive a message from your bank stating insufficient funds? The currency could not keep up with the frequency so it eventually declined your transaction halting all further spending. Now imagine you are on the same shopping spree but this time with a credit card with no spending limit. No matter what you do or buy you are covered. How amazing would that be? Isn’t that what we have with Jesus? Jesus paid it all for us and we are covered. We are forgiven because He paid the price and made the ultimate sacrifice. God is a forgiver. 

Unlike the analogy of the shopping spree, His love isn’t transactional. He loves us despite our flaws and shortcomings. In the Bible, it states we’ve all fallen short. But God extends His grace to us still. Think of a time when you needed more grace and it wasn’t given. Maybe in school, you turned in an assignment late and the instructor deducted points from your grade. Perhaps you forgot your best friend’s birthday and they never forgave you for that. There are many examples where grace may have been needed but not given. In today’s society, many have adopted “cancel culture.” This is when a person makes a mistake and instead of forgiving them, people

cancel them. Canceling someone can look like ignoring their good attributes and only focusing on the bad, or just ignoring their existence altogether. As believers, we should be grateful that God won’t cancel us. He loves us and extends grace to us over and over. 

Find comfort in knowing God forgives. If you're seeking perfection you are heading in the wrong direction. Go at the pace of grace. No matter what you face, remember God has grace. 

Weekly Scripture

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

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