In my journey, I’ve always tried to dream big. Bigger than my sight, bigger than my bank account, bigger than my views, and bigger than my faith.
Truthfully many of us today are doing something right by dreaming big, but we do one major thing wrong, and that’s not Dreaming Loud!
Dreaming Big is you having this amazing God-given vision or idea that just won’t go away, and you just sit with it, day in and day out. You have this big dream that you think about it, you write and do some planning, but that’s it. You are only dreaming big.
However, I believe God is wanting us to get past the baby faith. I believe He wants us to get on with just dreaming big, and start dreaming loud! See, what happens when things get loud, people notice! What happened when Jesus began to speak? Blind could see. What happened when the disciples began to preach? Demons Trembled.

Something I’ve gotten wrong for many seasons was just dreaming big instead of loud. Because the loudness reveals your faith! When you can share the dream, when you reach out to others and make connections based off of the dreams, when you tell your spouse about the dream, when you begin to lose a little sleep over the dream, when you start to wake up with the dream on your mind, when you share with a friend about the dream, and when you decide to do something each day towards that dream…that is dreaming loud.
See, now you’ve built up some momentum around that dream. Even if it’s not reached as of yet, you are still dreaming loud, you are believing out loud, and declaring what the Lord is going to do!
I believe you need to dream loud Today! I believe you need to tell a few people about your dream. I believe you need to stand in faith for your dream and pray for your dream.
I believe this week you need to get Loud! Let your praise grow louder than your fears, let your goals shine brighter than your obstacles, and allow your dream to ignite a deeper faith in God.
Get loud about your dream! So, when it comes to pass, God will get all the Glory!
Daniel: 14:37-38
Then Habakkuk shouted, “Daniel, Daniel! Take the food that God has sent you." Daniel said, “You have remembered me, O God, and have not forsaken those who love you.”
