Have you ever felt the frustration of a situation? Have you felt like something was not going to work out? Have you felt insecure? Have you felt like nothing was working in your favor?
Truly, I've felt it a lot, but I want to tell you about the power of Believing in God.
When we believe in God, we demand a more appropriate atmosphere in God. We must choose to not allow our feelings to define us, or stop us from being great.
If you felt the nervousness in the pit of your stomach or the feeling of despair, I want to tell you that it’s not all about what you feel, but it’s about what you know.
Do you know God is good?
Do you know that God will come through for you?
Do you know that He has favored you?
Do you know that He will cover you?
Do you know that He will guide you?
Do you know that He will not leave you?
Do you know that He will encourage you?
Do you know that He will empower you?
We have all felt it, but the truth is beyond our feelings. It's knowing.
Back when I was leaving a relationship, I felt afraid and depressed, but I knew it was God's will. I knew the truth of the situation. I knew God was saying “let go”. I fought, I cried, I ran back to sin, and finally, I surrendered.
Many times God's Will is scary. It’s not always full of joy, but sacrifice and tears. But the rewards are amazing. On the other side of our wilderness is a blessing.
Don’t get caught up with what you feel, but rather stand on what you know.
Weekly Scripture
"that we may no longer be children, tossed back and forth and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error"
Thank you so much. I really needed to see this, especially with what I’m going through on my job. I can’t get distracted by what I feel but what I KNOW about GOD! Thank you