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Beating the Odds with Jesus!

Previous seasons, I would get stuck looking at everything that was missing in my life and all the obstacles stacked against me.

Like the time in college when I had a broke-down laptop, I pushed and kept making videos. Or when my home had no WiFi, I would record and edit at home and drive 25 minutes to the nearest library to upload my videos to YouTube!

I look back on those times and smile at how far God has brought me. Maybe you have a few stories that reveal the odds that were stacked against you. Maybe today you wonder how your gonna finish the degree, pay off your bills, go to the next level, get the new job, or how your gonna get your own apartment. I want to encourage you to believe that God will beat those odds!

Many stories in the Bible we see the odds and people triumph over them! From David & Goliath to Naomi & Ruth and the Woman with the issue of blood!

God didn't promise that this life would be easy, but He did promise that every struggle, setback or failure we would overcome because He has overcome it!

When we find ourselves in seasons where all we see are the odds stacked high, we must realize it's a faith-building season! That this is the season God wants to transform our lives, but it starts with believing in Him and His promises!

Today, Rise Up and Beat the Odds in Your Life and if you get a little doubtful, just repeat the words of Jesus...

"Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.

But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

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