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3 Morning Routine Tips

I am sitting in my old bedroom while writing this. The dog is barking in the background, the morning crisp air has created a layer of frost on the ground, and the morning sun is shining through the curtains.

Today, I am kind of out of my usual morning routine due to the holidays, however, I want to share with you three ways a morning routine makes a difference in my life.

First, it helps me take charge of my day!

Before my current morning routine, I'd roll around in bed until 9 a.m. and not get into work until 11 a.m., which caused my days to run late into the evening. I realized that my morning routine wasn’t a set time, but it was a mindset. My mindset to wake up early and go to the gym had me waking up between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. The mindset shift caused me to see that my morning was essential to a more focused and purposeful day.

Second, It gives me more energy!

This might sound odd when waking up early in the morning, but after a workout, you are on a high that boosts you for the day. You are wanting to start your day with the same zeal and power. This boost is what you will use to your benefit after a morning workout. I feel the need to shower and get into a power-packed day. Not to procrastinate or doubt, but to have an intense focus to make my day impactful.

Third, it gets my heart & mind right!

This is the most important thing I've noticed about my morning routine. I give myself time to dream, create, think, plan, study, and meditate. When our minds are focused, we have a more productive day. When our minds are positive, we find more beauty in our day. When our minds are focused on Jesus, we see more of His Goodness in our lives. Taking at least 30 minutes every morning to journal, pray, study, and or meditate leaves me in a place of gratitude, acceptance, peace, and abundant love.

I have noticed a mind shift, an attitude shift, and productivity shift all because I wake up with a purpose. A purpose to execute, a purpose to make it happen, a purpose to love me. A purpose to dream bigger. My morning routine is the thing that has helped me all these years. Although the layout changes sometimes, what hasn’t changed is my purpose to make everyday count as if it was my last. To make each day brighter than the day before!

Now, start the new year with a new Morning Routine in Jesus.

Weekly Scripture

"Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near."

Isaiah 55:6

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