Today as I write this I am twenty-nine years young! Honestly, I write it not from my city apartment, but the country. Sitting at my mama’s table with the aroma of morning coffee in the air and the sounds of birds chirping all around, I realize that there is no other place on my birthday that I'd rather be than surrounded by love.
I share this with you because at twenty-one I had different plans for my life. I wanted to finish my college education, get married to my college sweetheart, and have kids. I had no desire for anything additional. Especially by twenty-nine, I thought I’d be married with children and have bought my first home.
However, that is not my journey. But I love where I am at. I am a mama to a little dog named Monti, I am a titi to two handsome nephews, I am a sister, a best friend, a teacher, a mentor, a speaker, a business owner, and, most importantly, I am a Daughter of God. And in all that I am so happy to be where I am.
I want you to know that your journey is your journey, and you can be happy now. You don’t have to wait to reach your goals, get married, or have children to be happy. You can be lively and full of joy now. At twenty-nine I never thought I could be happy as a woman living alone and running a ministry, but somehow I am, and I realized that happiness didn’t have to wait, but I could find beauty right in the season I am in.
So, today I am twenty-nine, but I feel twenty-five. And it feels like I am just getting started.
Weekly Scripture
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1 Cor 2:9
Happiest Birthday darling...
Only God knows how much I adore you... And look upto
Happy birthday sis❤😘