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10 Years Later Only God

At nineteen I got saved. And no, it wasn’t at a church or forced on me. Actually, I didn’t grow up Christian and wasn't looking for God. As a freshman in college, after a small Bible-Study, I randomly was invited to, I encountered God in my dorm room. This one encounter has changed the trajectory of my life. Before this encounter, I was at every party or Thirsty Thursday event. I was the drunk girl, party girl, or fighter girl. However, after this encounter, everything I once didn’t feel the same. I saw my nineteen-year-old self quickly embrace purity, until marriage. I saw my life goals and desires change. I went into college wanting to be a physical therapist, and I left with a call to ministry. Honestly, my entire life changed because of this one encounter, and ten years later I'm still living off of that encounter.

I didn’t know at nineteen I'd be here today. A woman of faith, empowering daughters of God all around the world. I didn’t know I'd have books, dreams, an office, and be doing something that I truly love…all because of one encounter.

I wish I could say this has been easy, but it has been fun. I have gone on an adventure with God since nineteen and I've enjoyed this faith walk.

This journey has healed the little girl in me.

This journey has taught me how to love on new levels.

This journey has opened my eyes to my own shortcomings.

This journey has made me who I am today.

Ten years later, from nineteen to twenty-nine, I realize it has been only God who has kept me. Only God has blessed me. Only God has healed me. Only God has restored me. Only God has empowered me. This was only God.

When you look at me today, it may be hard to even imagine who I was before, but that truly is how I know Only God could do that. I didn't have a special gift or anointing. I am just a regular everyday woman. With everyday struggles, fears, doubts, and questions, but nonetheless, God still did only what He could do.

After ten years of highs, lows, mess-ups, tears, lonely nights, amazing accomplishments, losing loved ones and more God has kept me. I pray my story inspires you to see all that God will do in your life as well.

Weekly Scripture


"Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

Proverbs 31:29-30


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