Our gifts are not just for ourselves but for others.

It was common on most talk shows to give gifts to the audience. Oftentimes the host would tell them to look under their seats to receive their gift. If only it were that easy to discover our gifts from God. We all have been given a unique set of gifts and talents that will assist us in fulfilling our purpose.
Naturally, as humans, we try to make sense of what we’ve discovered before sharing our findings. This period can stall us rather than help us. Our gifts are not just for ourselves but for others.
Many of us are sitting on or hiding our gifts from the world. You may be a gifted singer but are too shy to sing outside of your room. You may be gifted in communication, but hesitate when speaking to people. The list can go on and on, but there’s something you have inside that only you and God know about. And that is something the world needs to know about.

I have hidden my gifts because I was afraid of how others would respond. I let fear hold me back from using what was given to me by my heavenly Father. Think how this makes God feel. He gives us something specifically designed for us and then we don’t even take it out of the box. We have to be good stewards and show God we are grateful.
So it may be time for you to stand up and share your gifts, rather than sitting on them. Go to God in prayer and ask Him for guidance on how to use and share what you’ve been given.
Weekly Scripture
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as god stewards of God’s varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
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Discovering and sharing our unique gifts can be challenging, but they’re meant to benefit others as well as ourselves. Whether it’s singing, communicating, or even offering Accounting class help, the world needs the talents we often hide. Let’s step out in faith and share what we’ve been given.