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Taking Time for You!

Life can get in the way and weeks can pass by before we truly stop and take time for ourselves. I have fallen many times to the daily life requirements that I put God on the back burner. I know I am not alone with this mishap and I want to share with you ways to make time, no matter how busy you are or sleep deprived. We all can implement little things into our daily schedule to make us feel more rejuvenated, happy, and eager for the next day.

  1. Find Time to Stop All Seizing

This means to take time to stop and smell the flowers. To be happy and grateful for all the things around you. Stopping allows you to be present and appreciative

2. Add Spirituality to your day

Adding a Morning Devotion, Prayer and Journaling can help get your mind, heart, and life back on track

3. Make time to do what you love

Taking care of you is pivotal to being happier and healthier. Start with Healthy eating, good workout, dress up for no occasion.

Whatever makes you feel alive DO IT! (reading a book, painting, creating, crafting)

Taking time to put positive energy back into yourself will uplift you and inspire you. If you’ve found yourself getting stuck with day to day life take these tips and start living today!

-Morgan Tracy J.

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