I have this one sentence that I've been speaking for years. And when my dreams and goals feel more far away than usual, I repeat that sentence again to myself, I write it, and I believe it all over again like I did more than six years ago. I speak aloud, “I am Morgan Tracy J, an international women’s empowerment speaker”. Many more things have been added on now, but this is the foundation reminder for me to speak when I feel alone, lost, or confused about where I am headed.
I speak it and write it, because having a God-given vision for my life has helped me.
It has turned the party girl into a woman of vision. It turned the broke girl into a woman that found ways to strategize her income. It turned the lost girl just roaming into the next party or bed into a woman of discipline.
I share this with you in hopes that you can find your one line, your one scripture, your one saying that when all hell breaks loose in your life, you can stand firm on this one thing, this one word, this one belief, this one knowing.

I know the power of vision personally. Before my vision, I loved God, but was still roaming aimlessly. Still lost, still sliding into that I had no business being in. But once the vision came, I became like an eagle. I had a higher view of my life and things in it. I could see the old house, but could picture an office one day. I could see the old car, but picture a new one that was reliable and could get me to where I needed to go. I could see the old me, and a different me, facing fears, and being my authentic self.
Speak It Until You See It, sis! And if you can’t see it, start speaking your one line, start building up your faith, start making changes to your life today and get ready for all the new tomorrow. You must speak of the healing, speak of the vision, and speak of the breakthrough.
Speak of the change you want to see.
Weekly Scripture
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours"
Mark 11:24

Amen, Philippians 4:13, and this morning while reading, Daniel 10:19 took a different view of myself outside of Psalms 139. "for you are very precious to God. Peace. Be encouraged! Be Strong!" My purpose is to turn my weariness at moments when they come into speaking to someone else and turning the weariness into a hallelujah. 😀