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Overweight, Insecure & Unfit

I know you can tell by the title that my weight is a big issue in my life and always have been.

From eating disorders to binge eating to emotional breakdowns my weight has been this mountain that I've felt like I couldn't overcome.

Prayers I would do, strenuous workout routines I would start, but never finish. Removing meat from my diet would help, but only for a small season.

You see every time I failed it made me believe more and more that I could never be happy in my own skin.

I had to realize that losing 20 pounds wasn't gonna heal me. It couldn't heal every broken piece in my heart. It could help me for a season, but soon those same debilitating thoughts and actions would flood back over my life.

I decided at the end of April that the Glow Up Series was gonna change many.

However, change doesn't come easy, it comes with faith, persistence and allowing the Holy Spirit to do his Work in our hearts.

This week after 7 months, I walked back into the gym. I walked in nervous and insecure. As I laced up my sneakers, I thought of judgment or seeing someone I knew previously and they would see how much weight I gained. I looked calm but I was battling in my mind.

I grabbed my camera and started working out! Before I knew it all the spiritual baggage of my weight slid off, I felt great I got in gym mode just got moving.

I realized I could do more than I thought and my body was not so far gone like I had been telling myself. So, I pushed myself and made a new friend. After an hour and a half of the workout, I felt so good!

I felt so excited that I actually worked out in front of others and did a good job at it.

So, today my goal is to help you feel encouraged and empowered to start where you are at!

Your Glow Up is Waiting On You!

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