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Ignite Your Faith

At times it’s hard to ignite my faith. I get so caught up with life’s stresses and worries that I can no longer see all the beautiful things God is doing. I wonder where my faith went, or my joy, but in honesty, they are still there, just sleeping.

It’s been rocked to sleep through life’s challenges, but we can all find it again! When we take time to reflect on how far God has brought us.

No, not the usual thoughts of how good God is, but going back into seasons that only God could’ve got us out of.

Those seasons that required great faith, a heart that sought God, and great change.

We all have a season that transformed our lives. No matter the cause or pain, we are meant to come out better and renewed.

I reflect back to a time 4 years ago, when I was struggling in college. I had no money, but I had a vision. Week after week I would record videos in my little dorm room between classes. All I had was that old camera, a rack of clothes, and faith in my heart. That season I learned about persistence and never giving up on God. All I had was faith.

Today, my life is far from perfect, but I can see my blessings clearer. I sit in my home office and run a ministry with an audience of over 14,000. I never would’ve guessed that little bit of faith could’ve produced all of this.

I wonder, what God is wanting to produce through you?

All it takes is faith.

Faith to trust Him in the hallway of your destiny.

Faith to stay with Him even when another route opens up.

Faith to believe He is God and He is the truth.

Faith to love Him though you can’t see Him.

God wants to ignite your Faith TODAY!

He doesn’t want you to go through another day without hope for a better tomorrow.

He doesn’t want you to go through another day without Joy & Peace.

He doesn’t want you to go another minute in bondage.

God wants to set you free today, but it starts with your Faith in Him.

Pour out your heart so He can rekindle everything that has been asleep!

Ignite Your Faith & Step into Your Destiny!

John 16:9

“The world's sin is that it refuses to believe in me.”- JESUS

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