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Going Back to Your First Love

Going back to my first love, here back in the country, finding myself in the garden, or under the night stars, I realize God had to bring me back to get back to Him. My first love. Honestly, I can say my love for God swayed a lot in the past two years. Due to life challenges and situations, some I had no part in, and others that I definitely did.

It made so much sense why God would send me back to the place where I built the ministry. The season when I was speaking to no one in the videos, but I had faith to keep going. The season when I was broke and behind in life, but had the faith to know my time was coming.

This place represented faith, newness, revival, and peace. God didn’t just bring me back to play with my nephews every day (although I do). He brought me back to this place to fall in love on a whole new level.

Going back to your first love can seem daunting, like “when did I go away?” But the truth is, we wander little by little. And the more we wander, the less of a desire we have for God. I realize that God brought me here to help me. To give me peace, safety, and security. To empower me on how to move forward. To remove the fog of the vision, and limit the weight I was carrying.

Coming back to my first love looks like surrendering and starting over. To try again with God. To pray again. To fast again. To dream again. And to love again!

This season, God is calling you back to your first love…Himself! This is the time to get the most peace, joy, revelation, and understanding than ever before.

Go back to your first love sis.

Weekly Scripture

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

1 Peter 4:8

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