This time of the year is when many churches are leading their corporate fast. This is a great time to focus on Jesus, recenter your life, and grow your faith. I realized that I have now been fasting for 9 years, and there is so much I've learned that I'd like to share with you. In no specific order here are 7 things that God has taught me through fasting.
God doesn't want Perfection, He wants Your Heart: Early on in my fasting journey, I wanted to be perfect for God when fasting, so if I didn't hit the mark I felt like I failed, but then God revealed to me, that I could make it all the days of my fast and still never give Him my heart, or I could only make it a few days, while fully surrendering.
The Fast is all A Mental Battle: I learned that if I could get my mind in one accord with God then I could make it through my fast. I learned that the real battle wasn't my stomach it was my mind.
God won't Lead You Where He hasn't Been: Before accepting the call to fast, I would be scared and nervous because of my fear of failure until I realized that God would never lead me anywhere he hasn't already been. He has seen me at the finish line, and He is with me every step of the way.
Every Fast is Different: Sometimes I would think "My fast will be like my last fast" and I was wrong. Each fast comes with its challenges, temptations, and wins.
Every Fast Brings Breakthrough: I've experienced every fast breakthrough. Every fast has brought a newfound peace, opportunity, hope, or revelation of God's love.
Fasting for Myself or Fasting for God: I learned early on the difference between fasting for myself and God. Myself meant I wouldn't sacrifice anything but the food. I wouldn't open my Bible more or even pray more. However, when I was fasting for God, I cut off extra-curricular activities. I shut myself in my home and sought the Lord. I handled my responsibilities, like my job or classes, but the rest of the time went to God and that required a real sacrifice.
Fasting Brings Inner Peace: After the first day of my fast, I began to notice a quieter mind and more peace in my life. My worries, fears, and shortcomings weren't there and God's Word was more present and at the forefront of my mind.
Hopefully, you are inspired to trust God with your fasting journey.
Weekly Scripture
“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
Ephesians 3:20
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