Wake up and go prepare a fresh pot of hot coffee. This is my goal every morning, to start with a hot cup of coffee and prayer journaling. I’ve been doing it for some years, and something I’ve learned is to always take time for you.
When life would get too hectic, I would just start going through the motions, having mediocre faith and before I knew it, I’d be running on fumes. These fumes came from giving out way too much and not filling myself back up. On the spiritual aspect, we can take the time daily to journal, study the word, and pray to get filled back up. But on the physical aspect, I want to give you a list of things I love to do to help me to love me better.

Get More Sleep: If all you ever feel is tired and exhausted, you may begin to work sluggishly. It’s great to push yourself to get more rest. I have shifted my schedule to be in bed by 9:30 p.m. to have a more productive and alert day when I rise at 5 a.m.

Take Your Time: If you always feel like you are in a rush, I would encourage you to take your time when you are applying your hair products, doing your makeup, or anything else you normally rush through. Taking your time will actually make you feel better to know you spent a little more time on yourself.

Prayer Journal & Meditate: This is by far my biggest tip, when I prayer journal or meditate with my focus on Jesus for at least 15 minutes, I tend to have a clearer mind, a stronger faith, and my drive is replenished. Do these little things to invest in you and allow your life to open back up to the possibilities in God.

Make A Healthy Snack: Now, I didn’t say just to jump on a diet but try baby steps for better health decisions. Make a healthy snack that your body will enjoy and gain some great nutrients from that will energize you.

Do Your Dream: This is what will help you activate your faith. When you are no longer afraid to move on your dreams, you are loving you. The ultimate sign of self-care is when you do not neglect your dreams and desires. When we finally decide that our dreams do matter, we will make room in our lives to achieve them!

We can’t take care of everything else effectively if we don’t take care of ourselves. When we invest time to love ourselves by taking care of ourselves, we find peace and clarity, and our creativity begins to flow in our lives.
The goal is to no longer push your needs and dreams to the bottom of your To-do list, but to actually put it at the Top!
Take Care of You Today!
Mark 12:30-31
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Wow!!! love love this