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Go In Faith

Here recently, I packed up my entire one-bedroom apartment and little dog and left the city lights for the country. Honestly, nothing in me wanted this. I wanted to keep the apartment view, with my normal routine, and food places I’d grown to love, but God did that thing again.

For the last 10 years of my walk with God, He has called me out into the adventure of faith with Him. All this means is, that when I least expect it, He leads me to a new place that requires more faith. When I was 21, He called me to lead a weekly Bible Study on campus for a year. When I was 22, He called me out of living with my boyfriend at the time. When I was 23, He called me to start the ministry. When I was 24, He called me back to my hometown. When I was 26, He called me to a new city and to finish my college education. At 28, He called me to go into seminary. And now, once again at 29, He called me to move to a new place, to get my life balance in order.

I fought it at first. It didn’t make sense. I am doing great with my office, schedule, and making moves in my purpose, but now I'm being called to step away, slow down, and try a new pace with God.

All this has taken faith, but the moment I knew I had made a great decision, my little dog was so happy he started running around daily. I dance and play with my nephews again. I have morning coffee with my Mama, and we have faith-building conversations. I go for drives, sit in the garden, and feel more at peace.

Going on the adventure of faith each time takes my life to a new level, but it first requires a new level of faith. My hope for you is that when the Lord calls to take you to new heights, no matter how it looks, you go in faith.

Weekly Scripture

"faith by itself if it has not worked, is dead."

James 2:17

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