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Showing up for your dreams daily can sound super easy when you have thousands waiting. However, it’s really a challenge when you have no audience yet, when your in the beginning stages of your journey and inconsistency keeps stopping you. 

Well truly i’d love to tell you that showing up for your dream daily will be beautiful and you'll always feel super empowered, but that's not the truth. Many days you show up for it, not because you’re so inspired, but because you know you must

You know you’ve been called, set apart and given a vision for something bigger than yourself.

This is what will pull you and draw you to sit down and create, write the blog, record the podcast, help someone in need etc. 

Showing up for our dreams daily doesn’t start with people cheering you on or a huge audience giving you thousands of compliments. It starts with just you and faith. 

I reflect back to a time when I had no blog readers and barely any subscribers. It was hard to keep producing even when I felt no one was seeing my content. I see now those stages were necessary to improve my craft, gain confidence, and learn

Here are 5 ways to Embrace Your Purpose!

1. Get out of Your Own Way

If you get the thought to create, reach out, send an email, record that video, etc. Just do It! This is a key factor that I realize I have to just do it and stop overthinking it and doubting. Many of our blessings are on the other side of ideas, that we don't act on!

2. Push Past What if's

This is your chance to acknowledge the "What if's" you allow to linger around your mind. "What if I fail" What if God didn't give me the idea" "What if I can't do it". All these thoughts even run through my mind, but instead of what if's stand on what is.

What is true, what is right, what is holy, and what is pure.

3. No One Will give it to You

God gives us the idea, but we have to move on it. No one will hand us a degree, our dream podcast, our dream home, our dream business, or our dream mentorship program. We have to trust God and decide to make daily decisions to get us there.

4. Walk Boldly Towards it Daily

This can look different for each of us depending on what we are doing. However, I walk boldly daily by my attire, others it may be by saving a dollar a day, for another it could be by making one decision a day that gets them closer to their goal. Decide daily that you will walk Boldly!

5. Have Faith

If you do not have faith then you can't make it through the valleys of your purpose. Your Purpose will be tested, but through the fire and if it stands, then you know it is from God. Deciding to have faith will keep you preserving through all the seasons of lack.

Faith in God is what will keep you.

Weekly Scripture

"Sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

Phil. 4:8

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Keene Joseph

This was an awesome article and an even more awesome read. This article ignited a much needed flame to get me going. Thank you for sharing.


Gertrude Tala
Gertrude Tala

That inspired me. There are ideas I need to implement now.

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