

"I lost my father in November. I have been so sad and distant, confused, and a bit depressed. But during my fast God gave me my joy back."
"I was delivered from a shame barrier that i thought i had healed from. It was preventing me from receiving love. Then in my last hour God used me to bring someone to Jesus 🙌 "
"I felt encouragement and strength to get back on track instead of being condemned. I would constantly put down myself and became discouraged but after this fast i become better with God’s grace."
"I gained a closer relationship with God, I can clearly hear His voice. I got assurance of just how loved I am and most importantly I gained clarity on thongs through dreams, everyday I had a dream."
"I heard God's voice so clear on day 2.He told me "pack your bags"and on that same day my mum came home and told me we were moving out to a bigger house glory be to God He's faithful.
"I felt closer to God. I stuck with the readings, devotional and praise and worship and I feel like it really helped me to get closer to God. "
"This fast allowed me to not doubt the ministry he has called me to do. He has given a vision and a direction to expand the ministry he has placed inside of me."
"On day 3 I was doing praise and worship listening to the Esther Fast Playlist. I started to sing the words but use them to speak to God! I was on my knees and I just broke out crying! It was so powerful I felt just lifted and lighter! I feel it motivate me to really step into my power and have faith."

Esther 4:14
I started the corporate Esther Fast to help women step into their courage and faith. I saw God do it for me in just 3 Days and I knew He could do it for them.
Morgan Tracy J.
Founder, His Daughter's Closet Ministries