With Esther Fast quickly approaching, I just want to remind you that fasting is a time of consecration. That means a time to be set apart. A time to set apart your time for God. This reminds me of the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible.
We see two sisters hosting Jesus in their home, as He sat teaching. Sister Martha was so focused on preparing dinner and getting everything perfect for Jesus that she missed out on a great opportunity to just rest at the Teacher's feet. Her sister did what was right for the moment. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, not focused on the food that needed to be prepared or the duties that awaited her. She sat diligently listening to and learning every word of God.
I pray that you take this same heart stance as you begin to embark on your fast. We can miss out on a powerful move of God because we are so busy with preparation. Or we can stop, we can sit at His feet and listen, get revived, get a new word, a new vision, a new hope, a new joy, a new peace, and a new intimate relationship with Jesus. I want to encourage you to not get so busy with many things during your fast. Our day-to-day lives can have us so busy we miss out on what God is speaking to us.

However, when you fast, you stop the extra-curricular activities and give that time and space to God. Don’t go to the mall, don't have lunch with the girls, and don’t embark on your nightly scroll on Amazon or social media. Instead, give God His time. You realize that you can be busy, but why not be with God, sitting at His feet? Hearing His words, His teachings, and bathing in His light. So remember, don’t be so quick to be busy, but know what is most important for this moment.
I know you will see a mighty move of God.
Weekly Scripture
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”.
LUKE 10:41-42
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