Hurt lost and afraid….
We have all been here no matter age or race we will all find times in our lives were circumstances have led us to a season of hurting and healing. Today, I am speaking to the woman in college hurting, the wife still battling with past hurts, the mother who is experiencing abuse. The daughter whose daily living is a challenge. Today I speak to the sick, depressed, hurting, lost and afraid.
No matter how dark the night may get the light will always shine through "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5). Certain seasons of my life has caused me to feel such a deep hurt and sorrow. Many nights I would cry due to the pain that lingered in my heart. I knew my healing was coming. I knew God was still God and I begged for Him to take the pain away. Once I realized my pain wasn’t just for me and I wasn’t bearing it alone things began to change"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28).
God was with me through every hard night and He caught every tear. I went through pain and heartache not just for me, but for others. The courage, faith, and wisdom I was learning through the season allowed me to become a stronger woman in my faith. Without the challenging seasons faith would’ve never been formed.
Today, I challenge you to utilize the faith you have and believe that God is with you supporting you and making provision for you. Rest in knowing that if you are lost it is okay. Get lost in God and that is the only true way you can be found. Take rest in the Lord. Lend over all your heavy burdens and allow God to bring the newness in your life (Matt.11:28 ). You are okay! No battle, no sin, no hurt, and no fear is bigger than God. He's got it and He's got you. Go in Peace.
-The Awakened Daughter