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The hardest year of my life

Waking up to the sound of morning traffic and construction work nearby. Before I jump out of bed, I say, “Thank you, Lord, for another day”. This has been my daily mantra for awhile, but this year is really when the words meant so much more to me.

I came into 2023 with high hopes. My power phrase for the year was “next level”, and I believed it. But quickly I experienced a year-long relationship end, family health issues, death, and financial struggles. I was hurt by all the grief and I was confused by the valley I had found myself in.

Each day I walked into my empty office, I had to hold on to the belief that God sent me here and He was still with me even in all of this. I cried a lot this year. I felt grief in a way I had never known. I felt numb for many days and just worked on autopilot with no passion inside. I felt beyond lost and unsure of what I desired anymore. Death and hardships came and put things in perspective for me.

In all this, I knew the scriptures. I knew God would never leave me nor forsake me. I knew that nothing would separate me from His love. I knew that He was my protector and guidance. And in all this pain and struggle, I had to stand on what I knew. By no means was this easy, and still today I am grieving the loss of a close friend. However, I laughed again, I loved again, I got joy again when working on the ministry. I praised God again when I hadn’t been able to for months. I cried out to Him again and most of all…I enjoyed this life again.

So, after the year I've had, everyday I wake up I say, “Thank You, Lord, for another day”.

Another day to go after my dreams.

Another day to hear my sister's voice.

Another day to walk my dog.

Another day to play with my nephews.

Another day to work in the ministry.

Another day to love the people around me.

Even in all of this, I still say, “Thank you, Lord”!

Weekly Scripture

“This is the day the Lord has made;

We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:4

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