A student looked up and said, “Mrs. Green, my computer is frozen!” Mrs. Green walks over to her and says, “Okay, well it's still not doing anything. Ms. Michel, may you help us with this?”
I immediately looked up what to do for a frozen ChromeBook. Upon my click to the search engine, it states, to hold the power button down for at least four seconds. As I am reading more options, Mrs. Green does just that to the student’s laptop and BAM! Just like that, it closes down, and then from re-holding the power button, it TURNS back on.
This moment would be ingrained in my mind about the importance of being in a state of having our SHUTDOWNS! Daughter of God, when’s the last time you took a really good BIG, DEEP, and LONG breath? When was the last time you allowed yourself to have a shutdown?
Are you running frantically doing your best to make it to work? Or your next class? Are bills, school, career, family time, or personal time having you feel overwhelmed? What about even your walk with God?
Sometimes we just need those moments in our lives to remind us to SHUT DOWN. To truly tune out everything else…the distractions, the constant noise, etc. And truly, faithfully focus on our loving Father above.
I am asking you to find ways to SHUT DOWN for a COME-UP! Your NEWNESS in Christ comes with the SHUTDOWN of the distractions. The SHUTDOWN of the noise. The SHUTDOWN of the very thought patterns and activities that increase your worry, stress, and anxiety.
Surrender disappointments at the feet of Jesus. How you perceive your life to be at a certain point must be found in the presence of the dear Savior. I thought at this age I would already be married, with children, yet God is the best author of our lives. I want to be able to SHUT DOWN the ideals that are mine and give them to the ultimate restarter of all things NEW. This newness is found in a loving Father who desires a relationship with us all individually.
Are you ready to let God make your mind, your thoughts, and your life new? Get ready to SHUT DOWN for a new STARTUP.
Weekly Scripture
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:9
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This Blog was written by Marlene Michel, HDC Blog Team
Feel free to follow Marlene on Instagram at @marlene__michel