Over the past seven years, I'd like to think I've worked hard and went after all that God has put on my heart, but the honest truth is I've been too scared. I’ve run like a dog and hidden under what was safe, my last accomplishments, my last relationship, my past views.
We walk by faith and not by sight, but many times my sight tells me to wait. To hold on, to stand still, to not move until I know for certain. When faith says, just believe and go for it.
I’ve grown accustomed to waiting, to believing it’s just not my time to succeed, until I got a mindset shift to believing that right now is my time. Not because I'm so perfect or have all the resources, but because I'm still here. I’m still alive, I'm still creative, I'm still gifted, and I'm moving forward. I see now how the waiting mindset has held me back a lot, but eventually after I got tired of being in the same spot year after year, I'd jump up and finally do something that scared me, and it would change things so much in my life.
My greatest impact has come from being willing to stop waiting and start doing.
This was the key to get me to launch my ministry in 2017, and to take YouTube© seriously in 2016. All of this came when I stopped waiting and actually started doing.

Now, all these years later, I still have to challenge myself to do. To pursue, to go for it, and to make the next best decision for my ministry and for my life. I know greater things are coming, not because I know the future but because I know that I don’t have to wait for the perfect season or the perfect timing. I know now that the perfect season and the perfect timing are right now.
Right now we are Blessed.
Right now we are Favored.
Right now we are Gifted.
Right now we are Creative.
Right now we are Living.
Right now we can go after the dreams that have been on our hearts for so long. Glow Up this summer by deciding to stop waiting for the perfect season and realize right now is the perfect time to do what you've been called to do.
Weekly Scripture
"But as for me, I will expectantly wait on the Lord, the God of my Salvation."
Micah 7:7
