Over the past 7 years, I've walked with God, not always in faith, but sometimes in fear, in uncertainties, and insecurities. I've found myself struggling with the inner me when it would come to having faith and trusting God at His Word.
I've been called out on many occasions in my life to trust God to make a faith move. Like the time in college, I paid a lot of money to join a sorority to find out months later that He wanted me to walk away from it. Or the time when I was living with a boyfriend and He told me to move out and trust Him to provide. Or the time when I failed big in college and had to move back home, for 2 years, while God still whispered to me to trust Him and like this current season moving to a new city, for the dream He placed in my heart, He still whispers for me to Trust Him.
I've learned a lot about faith moves and the biggest thing is that it usually happens in the seasons when you are most comfortable and everything seems good! We can get comfortable and stay a certain place far too long, but today my goal is to give you the push you need to make your faith move. You may be scared of the unknown and the changes it will bring, but I want to tell you to be willing to take on the adventure of Faith!
Be willing to try God's words and promises. Many of our problems are that we aim to low in our faith and we hit the target! God desires us to Aim Big in Him! To see all that He is capable of Doing in our lives!
Now, I want to help you in making your faith move... It will change your Life!

First, You Want to Remember the Vision\Word:
This is crucial, we can easily become like a ship roaming aimlessly without a clear destination. However, with a vision and a Word, we can not be moved! We can stand in the trenches of hard seasons, but still, see the vision clear in our mind.
Your vision and word are what will keep you making decisions that reflect your purpose. Ask God to show you a vision and give you hope for your future!

Second, You Gotta have A Battle Song:
What song is the spirit drawing you too or what song do you wake up with on your mind, or always on the tip of your tongue? That’s your battle song, that is the song that will minister to you in your hardest moments and it will uplift your spirit.
I find myself singing this song, and it brings me to tears, it pulls me closer to the Father's presence to remember that He Still gots me! We all need a Battle Song that we can play continuous and it ministers to our soul!

Third, You Gotta Move:
This is the hardest part. You gotta move forward and face the pain, the fear, the uncertainties, and the hardships that could come with it. A faith move is no longer moving on your own schedule and plan, but in God's perfect Will even when nothing makes sense.
Your move is you shifting your life, you take the leap and take your faith to another level. You take your life to another level in Glory. A Faith Move brings Change in Your Life!
Now ask God What Faith Moves must You Make?

5 Years ago I leaped and Created a Youtube Channel! 2 years later I leaped and created His Daughter's Closet.
I want to encourage you to never stop leaping! If your faith is stagnant, it's because you haven't leaped in awhile!
Today, Refuse to stay in the same place mentally, physically and spiritually!
Decide to Make Faith Moves!
God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
Psalm 46:5
