One random day you feel a disconnect. You’re not exactly sure what you did, but something has shifted inside of you! You lose the momentum for your dreams, the dishes begin to pile up, you’ve fallen off of your schedule, it’s harder to get out of bed, you missed your devotional time, and before you know it, you find yourself in a rut. Days are harder and life seems pointless. We have all been there, and many times it ties to a disconnect between God and our purpose.
We let the outward issues become an inward battle. Soon, we become our biggest hater! We call ourselves names, we look down on ourselves, and believe we aren’t capable of better! Truthfully, we go through a lot. But I have a list of things I do to help me get out of a rut.
1. Pray. Even if it’s forced, open your mouth and talk to God about any stresses, fears, sins, setbacks, and/or doubts. Pray for strength.
2. Do one thing for you! Take a bath, paint your nails, do your hair, whatever will brighten your spirit, do it!
3. Make Your Bed! This simple act can make you feel accomplished. Just start with making your bed!
4. Clean up one thing! This is a major. Don’t tackle the whole home, just one area. Clean off your desk, declutter the counter, pick up the toys, or put something in its rightful place.
5. Get clear about your life again! What are you working towards? What are some goals in your life? Get clear on this and pray for a strategy to help you do it!
6. Community! You want to get out and spend time with family and friends. It will help you during your hard season. It's easy to isolate yourself, but you shouldn't, it's okay to get in touch with others.
We all go through times of uncertainty, but one thing we can hold fast to is knowing that God will always give us a light in the darkness of our minds. He will always give you hope and always guide you with a vision! When we feel our backs against the ropes we don't have to stay there! We can decide... To Get Back Up and Get Back to Living! Start over by reconnecting to God and Your Purpose!
Get Back Up!
" for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again..."
Proverbs 24:16
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