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Sitting in my office smiling at all the times, I waited for someone to make me blush. I waited for the date nights, the compliments, and the hand holding to come so I could feel the rush of excitement and joy. I've learned that you don't need a significant other to make you blush. You don't even need a touch to make you blush.

You can get all giggly inside and overwhelmed in joy, just by being you.

Investing in you, loving you and trusting the God that lives in you.

When you decide to just pause, breathe and trust your journey, a peace overtakes you and a flush of newness breathes over you.

I know you wonder how can you make yourself blush.. Well I will tell you

When you finally decide to step out on fear.

When you attack a project and complete it.

When you take time to care for you.

When you overcome a major obstacle.

When you see all of Gods Blessings.

When you ate right all month and see a difference.

When you give to someone in need.

When you love without barriers.

When you smile and laugh without holding back.

When you show your creativity or love for fashion.

When you clean and dance to your favorite jams.

When you finally do what you been needing to do.

Every time you embrace all the amazing gifts God placed inside of you, you then are setting yourself up for a moment to Blush. To be overwhelmingly in love with you that you can't help, but blush.

To all the Ladies, the best relationship you could ever work on is the relationship with yourself, because Jesus lives in you!

Let us Clean our House to make it a Home for the Holy Spirit!

So, Today Make Yourself Blush!

Happy Valentine's Day,

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